WCNT Advisory Committee

To ensure that the University of Wisconsin – Madison Centers for Nanoscale Technology continue to support current and future research needs it is critical that they have an advisory committees made up of faculty and academic staff with a stake in the centers. The primary function of this advisory committees is to advise the Center Director on the direction of future research and the characterization and fabrication tools required to meet that research need.

Committee responsibilities:

  • Shape the direction of the center by providing guidance and feedback to the Director for new tool purchases by identifying the capabilities needed to meet future research needs, possible funding sources, and PIs to lead proposals for the desired equipment. Additionally, the committee will provide guidance and feedback on current capabilities and operational issues related to the center.
  • Participate in a quarterly advisory committee meeting.
  • Host an all-user meeting once a year. During this meeting, the Director will report on (among other things):
  • The current state of the center: staffing, instrumentation, and capabilities.
  • Planned changes to instruments, policies, staff or fees in the next year.
  • The financial state of the center: university support, income, and expenses.

Victor Brar (Chair)

Credentials: Ph. D.

Position title: Associate Professor of Physics

Email: vbrar@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-262-1139

Paul Voyles

Credentials: Ph. D.

Position title: Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

Email: voyles@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-262-1821

Adrien Couet

Credentials: Ph. D.

Position title: Associate Professor of Engineering Physics

Email: couet@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-265-7955

Mikhail Kats

Credentials: Ph. D.

Position title: Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email: mkats@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-890-3984

Padma Gopalan

Credentials: Ph. D.

Position title: Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

Email: pgopalan@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-265-4258

Mark Eriksson

Credentials: Ph. D.

Position title: Professor of Physics

Email: maeriksson@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-263-6289