Hourly Rates, July 2021

  • UW-AMIC members are eligible to receive 20% discount for all instruments.
  • On 7/1/2021 the usage cap for internal users changed to $1,638.63/month per PI. When the cap is met, the rate drops to 20% of the full internal rate listed below.
  • The LEO SEM 1550VP will be counted under the Nanoscale Imaging and Analysis Center PI cap.

SMCL Rates

wdt_ID Instrument Internal Users External Users (University) External Users (Industry) Minimum Charge
1 DSC PerkinElmer 8000 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
2 DSC TA Q100 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
3 TGA 13.11 24.03 85.21 -
4 Rheometer 19.66 34.96 125.63 -
5 DMA 19.66 36.05 125.63 -
6 GPC Viscotek 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
7 GPC Waters 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
8 GPC Waters Alliance 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
9 GPC Beckman Gold 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
10 Spin Coater 10.92 18.57 63.36 5 min
11 Contact Angle 10.92 18.57 63.36 -
12 Plasma Etch System 10.92 21.85 63.36 -
13 SEM LEO 1550VP 41.51 81.93 179.16 -
14 Raman DXRxi Microscope 15.29 29.50 63.36 -
15 Zetasizer 15.29 29.50 63.36 -
16 AutoElII-Vis-3 Ellipsometer 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
17 V-VASE Ellipsometer 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
18 IR-VASE Ellipsometer 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
19 Ellipsometer AutoEl-NIR-3 17.48 32.77 45.88
20 Ellipsometer Verity 1.09 1.64 2.29 -
21 Vacuum Tensiometer 1.09 1.64 2.29 -
22 Hot Plate CEE 1100 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
23 LabLine Vacuum Oven 1.09 1.64 2.29 -
24 E1 Wafer Vacuum Oven 1.09 1.64 2.29 -
25 XS Analytical Balance 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
26 Glove Box 17.48 32.77 45.88 30 min
27 Quartz Microbalance 7.65 32.77 45.88 -
28 Capillary Viscometer 17.48 32.77 45.88
29 Gold Chrom Evaporator 17.48 32.77 45.88 2 h
30 Microblaster 17.48 32.77 45.88 5 min
31 Lambda 10 UV-Vis Spectrometer 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
32 Lambda 19 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrometer 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
33 Magna 860 FTIR Spectrometer 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
34 Magna 550 FTIR Spectrometer 18.57 37.14 92.86 -
35 Nicolet iS50R FTIR Spectrometer 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
36 Filmetrics F20 Reflectometer 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
37 Brookhaven LS System 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
38 Tensiometer Kruss K10T 17.48 32.77 45.88 30 min
39 Refractometer Leica AR600 17.48 32.77 45.88 30 min
40 Crosslinker XL-1500 365 nm 4.37 8.19 11.47 15 min
41 Crosslinker XL-1500 254 nm 4.37 8.19 11.47 15 min
42 Oven 60 °C 1.09 1.64 2.29 -
43 Nikon Optiphot Microscope 1.09 1.64 2.29 -
44 Gold Sputterer 17.48 32.77 45.88
45 Remote soft PC1 0.21 0.32 0.43 -
46 Spincoater EC101D 17.48 32.77 45.88 -
47 Technical Support 52.44 71.01 202.09 -
48 Parylene Coater LabTopME 17.48 32.77 45.88 2 h
Instrument Internal Users External Users (University) External Users (Industry) Minimum Charge

Internal users: UW System clients and collaborators;

External (university) users: non-UW-System university clients;

External (industry) users: industrial clients.