New WCNT Users (see below for requirements for specific centers)

Welcome to the Wisconsin Centers for Nanotechnology!

Getting started — Users of any/all Centers (NIAC, NFC and SMCL) need to complete the three steps below before any further action can be taken.

  1. Account setup: Before funding can be set up for you in the Wisconsin Centers for Nanoscale Technology (WCNT), you must first create a user account in Facilities Online Manager (FOM). You can do this by clicking selecting the “I am a new user” link and following the directions.  This account is valid for all Centers (NIAC, NFC and SMCL).  If you already have a FOM account you don’t need to create a new one to use another center.
  2. Funding:  The principle investigator or their designee are responsible for maintenance of their funding strings.  For instructions, please click here.  For questions, contact the business office in COE (rm 2713 Engineering Hall,  External users need to provide PO information for their account through FOM.
  3. Training:  Once you have created an account you can request specific equipment training through the FOM scheduling software.

What can I expect as a User?

After users have created their account and requested training they will be contacted by the instrument manager to setup a training time.  After trained and meeting any safety requirements users will be allowed to schedule and use the instruments in the WCNT.

All instrument use is tracked by FOM and billed monthly.


Billing is submitted electronically on a monthly basis. A “test” bill is sent out after the first of each month, giving the principal investigator a minimum of three days to review the billing charges and make any changes in the funding before the final billing is submitted.

Funding changes  

Any requests to do funding changes after the billing has been submitted will have to be done by the principal investigator’s department staff as a non-salary transfer. The WCNT can only change the current month’s billing and charges forward.  The WCNT will not be able to do retroactive changes, but you can ask your departmental accounting staff to do retroactive changes for you.

NIAC Access

How do I get after-hours access to the Nanoscale Imaging and Analysis Center?

After hours access either requires level two training on the appropriate instrument or permission from the NIAC staff member who is in charge of the equipment or lab you want to use after hours.

For after hours access to the x-ray equipment in ERB, students should get the form from the ERB loading dock. Then have Donald Savage sign it and take the form to Mitch in the ERB loading dock to get a key.

How do I get keys for after-hours access to the NIAC?

Please fill out the key form at Please select the NIAC staff member in charge of the room in the MS&E Building you need after hours access to as the approver. After approval, please see Chris Kailhofer (201C MS&E Building, 262-8175) to arrange for key pickup.

Nanoscale Fabrication Center (NFC) Access