Hourly Rates
- A minimum charge of 1/2 hour is billed for all equipment use, once the user has logged in to begin a session.
- On 7/1/2021 the usage cap for internal users was changed to $4,369.68/month per PI. When the cap is met, the rate drops to 20% of the full internal rate listed below.
NIAC Rates
wdt_ID | Instrument | Internal | External (University) | External (Industrial) |
1 | Training/Staff Assistance | $52.44 | $71.01 | $202.09 |
2 | AFM Bruker Icon | $21.00 | $41.25 | $106.21 |
3 | AFM Bruker MultiMode 8 | $18.57 | $37.14 | $93.94 |
4 | FIB FEI Helios PFIB G4 | $65.54 | $101.60 | $321.30 |
5 | FIB Zeiss Auriga | $45.89 | $81.93 | $294.96 |
6 | Horiba GD Profiler | $26.25 | $51.45 | $106.01 |
7 | Indentation Bruker PI85/95 Pico Indenter | $18.74 | $29.45 | $58.99 |
8 | Indentation Hysitron TI-950 Triboindenter | $30.59 | $58.99 | $120.16 |
9 | Leica Optical Microscope | $16.07 | $25.17 | $53.55 |
10 | Prep Denton DV-502A Evaporator | $4.37 | $10.92 | $18.57 |
11 | Prep Dimpler | $24.03 | $27.31 | $79.75 |
12 | Prep Fischione 1010 | $6.55 | $12.01 | $44.80 |
13 | Prep Fischione 1050 | $8.74 | $15.30 | $54.62 |
14 | Prep Fischione Ion Mill | $26.22 | $30.59 | $89.58 |
15 | Prep Ion Tech Mill | $5.46 | $12.01 | $18.57 |
16 | Prep Nanomill | $14.21 | $24.03 | $89.58 |
17 | Prep Tousimis CPD | $21.42 | $32.90 | $53.55 |
18 | Prep-Leica ACE600 Deposition | $21.42 | $42.84 | $85.68 |
19 | Prep-Leica ACE600 Vacuum | $2.14 | $4.28 | $8.57 |
20 | Profilometer KLA D-300 | $21.00 | $41.25 | $106.21 |
21 | Raman LABRAM HR Evolution | $21.85 | $52.44 | $109.24 |
22 | SEM LEO 1550VP | $41.52 | $81.93 | $179.16 |
23 | SEM Zeiss/Gemini 450 | $41.52 | $81.93 | $179.16 |
24 | SEM Zeiss/Gemini 300 | $41.52 | $81.93 | $179.16 |
25 | TEM Tecnai 12 | $41.52 | $81.93 | $179.16 |
26 | TEM Tecnai TF 30 | $65.54 | $101.60 | $291.68 |
27 | TEM TITAN | $65.54 | $131.09 | $223.94 |
28 | XPS Thermo K alpha | $28.40 | $55.71 | $114.70 |
29 | XRD Bruker D8 Discovery | $18.57 | $37.14 | $92.85 |
30 | XRD Hi Star 2 D | $22.94 | $37.14 | $114.70 |
31 | XRD Panalytical Empyrean | $21.85 | $43.70 | $109.24 |
32 | XRD Panalytical XPert MRD | $18.57 | $37.14 | $92.85 |
33 | Zygo New View | $18.57 | $37.14 | $91.76 |
Instrument | Internal | External (University) | External (Industrial) |