Cameca IMS 4f-E7 Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer

FOM Name:  SIMS Cameca 4FE7
Model Number:  Cameca 4f-E7
Contact: Jerry Hunter (, 608-263-1073)
Center:  NIAC
Location:  MSE Rm 105

The Cameca 4f-E7 provides depth profile and contamination analysis on a broad range of materials from semiconductors and metals to insulators.

It is equipped with oxygen and cesium primary ion sources for analysis of positive and negative secondary ions and a high resolution (30,000 m/dm) double focussing mass spectrometer.

NOTE: Due to the very high complexity, extremely long training regimen and delicate nature of the SIMS instrument, student training is not available. Staff will perform required measurements to assure the proper instrument function, setup and data quality. This policy is in place to assure data quality, uptime and that users do not waste significant time and funds (typically hundreds of hours) in training for very limited use.

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  • O2+ and Cs+ primary ions
  • 1keV-15keV primary beam energies
  • Vacuum in the 1e-10 torr range gives ppm detection limits for atmospheric ions
  • High resolution double focussing mass spectrometer for separation of mass interferences

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