Horiba Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer GD Profiler-2

FOM Name:  GDOES Horiba GD-2
Model Number:  Horiba GD Profiler-2
Contact: Julie Morasch (morasch@wisc.edu, 608-262-3613)
Center:  NIAC
Location:  MSE Rm 105

The GD-Profiler 2™ provides fast, simultaneous analysis of all elements of interest including the gases oxygen, hydrogen and chlorine. It is an ideal tool for thin and thick films characterization and process studies.

Equipped with an RF source that can operate in pulsed mode for fragile samples, the range of applications of the GD-Profiler 2™ goes from corrosion studies to PVD coating process control, from thin film PV development to LED Quality Control and it is used in Universities as well as in Industrial Research laboratories.

Elements list: H, O, Si, Ta, Nb, Cu, C, Zr, Ni, S, Ti, Fe, Sn, Al, Mn, V, Cr, Li, F

** Powerpoint files from Horiba presentation on 12/18/18 can be found under Additional Information

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Combination of a powerful Glow Discharge source with Ultra-Fast High Resolution simultaneous optics for fast Elemental Depth Profile Analysis of conductive, non-conductive and hybrid materials.

For thin & thick films – from nanometre to hundreds of microns with nanometer depth resolution.

Typical domains of applications include PV, metallurgy, LED manufacturing, corrosion studies, organic and micro-electronics, materials research & development, deposition processes optimisation, PVD, CVD, plasma coatings, automotive, Li batteries,  etc

No UHV  required.

List of elements that can be measured:  H, O, Si, Ta, Nb, Cu, C, Zr, Ni, S, Ti, Fe, Sn, Al, Mn, V, Cr, Li, Fl

Pulsed RF Source for operation in RF and pulsed RF modes with auto-matching

Differential double pumping of the source for patented SEM sample preparation

Plasma Cleaning function built in

Patented UFS for Ultra-Fast Sputtering of polymeric and organic materials

Patented DIP – built in interferometer for direct on line depth measurement

Various anode diameters and accessories for odd shape samples

Additional Information