KOH Wet Baths

FOM Name:  WET KOH Bath 1 and WET KOH Bath 2 – relaxed materials restrictions
Contact: Quinn Leonard (qleonard@wisc.edu, 608-890-3030)
Center:  NFC
Location: Engineering Centers Building 3rd Floor Cleanroom

KOH etching is a subtractive process.

Hot solutions of potassium hydroxide are commonly used to etch silicon. The process is highly directional, proceeding along crystal planes. It can be used in MEMS applications to create three-dimensional structures.


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


There are two heated process tanks in the bench. Users can set temperatures up to 100 C.  The bench is also equipped with a three-station cascade deionized water rinser.


One of the two tanks is restricted to dielectric materials only. The other has slightly more relaxed restrictions, allowing additional masking materials.