Tensiometer Kruss K10T

FOM Name:  Tensiometer Kruss K10T
Model:  Kruss K10T
Contact: Anna Kiyanova (anna.kiyanova@wisc.edu, 608-263-1735)
Center:  SMCL
Location: B47 Engineering Hall

Tensiometer Kruss K10T performs precision automatic measurements of surface tension of liquids, using classic Wilhelmy plate and Du Nouy ring methods. It is also possible to probe interfacial tension between two liquids using Du Nouy ring method. Measurements at different sample temperatures can be used to calculate surface tension temperature coefficient.


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  • Tools available: standard Wilhelmy plate (Pt, 40 mm wetting length), rolled Wilhelmy plate for small sample volumes (Pt, 40 mm wetting length), standard Du Nouy ring (Pt/Ir, 119.95 mm wetting length)
  • Temperature range: 10 – 60 °C
  • Surface/interface tension resolution: 0.1 mN/m
  • Temperature resolution: 0.1 °C
  • Sample viscosity: less than 1000 Cp
  • Standard sample vessel: glass, 44 mm ID, 29 mm height