Bruker D8 Discovery X-ray diffractometer

FOM Name: XRD Bruker D8 Discovery
Model: Bruker D8 Discovery
Contact: Don Savage (, 608-263-0831)
Center:  NIAC
Location: ERB Rm 832

The Bruker D8 Discovery x-ray diffractometer is ideally suited for rapid phase identification, stress analysis, and texture determination.  It also has mapping capabilities of ~0.1 mm lateral resolution and can be configured for small angle x-ray scattering (SAX). In addition, the source and detector are mounted are in a theta-theta geometry allowing for easy measurement of powders.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


Source:  Cu-Ka micro x-ray source with Montel mirror

  • Less than 0.1 degrees divergence
  • Spot diameter as low as 0.1 mm

Detector: Vantec 500 area detector

  • 14 cm diameter active area
  • 2048 by 2048 pixels
  • pixel size is 68 mm by 68 mm

Sample stage:

  • x, y, z., Chi, and Phi motion
  • x and y range of 40mm