FEI Tecnai TF 30 TEM

FOM Name:  TEM Tecnai TF 30
Model:  FEI Tecnai TF-30
Contact:  Alex Kvit (kvit@wisc.edu, 608-265-4458)
Center:  NIAC
Location:  MSE Room 118

The FEI Tecnai TF-30 300KV TEM is configured for analysis of both hard and soft materials.  The system is capable of cryotomography of biological specimens as well as TEM and tomography of hard materials.  The system is equipped with high angle tomography, double-tilt and cryo holders and has the ability to perform energy filtered TEM (EFTEM) and high angle annular dark field (HAADF) analysis.  Additionally, the TF-30 is equipped with the Gatan K2 direct electron detector which significantly improves both contrast and resolution for large and small molecules for cryo-electron microscopy.

The TF-30 is also equipped with the NanoMEGAS ASTAR TEM precession orientation imaging system enabling orientation-phase imaging with 1nm resolution.  Additionally, the TF-30 has a Gatan K2 direct electron detector.


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


  • Emitter: Schottky field-emission electron gun
  • Acceleration voltage  300, 200, 80 kV
  • Point resolution = 0.236 nm at 300kV
  • Line resolution = 0.122 nm
  • Information limit 0.132 nm
  • Eucentric tomograph goniometer (± 70º and ± 30º)
  • Two 2k x 2k Gatan Ultrascan CCDs
  • GIF Quantum
  • EELS resolution 0.7 eV
  • STEM mode, resolution 0.2 nm
  • Cryo – and Tomo- holders
  • Low –dose experiments

